Before I had kids, a bad start to my day would usually entail waking up late, having no clean clothes and not having enough time to finish my coffee. That's a walk in the park compared to now! Let me just give you a synopsis of the first hour of my morning...
I woke up with Lexy resting her heels on my throat. How was I managing to breathe? Although...deep is the oxygen deprived sleep.
Once we were awake and Lexy was being cute enough for me to forget that she had just been trying to kill me, Sophie , having heard us from the other room, came bounding in to play. Lexy, would have none of this and began to declare that everything on the bed was hers. Shrieking ensued and while under the covers, where I couldn't see, Sophie became frustrated enough that she bit Lexy on her side so hard that she drew blood and a giant welt through Lexy's pajamas! I've never seen such a horrified and pained face on the little girl. After some usual scolding, apologizing, screaming, and crying things had calmed down and the girls began to play nicely together. Even giggling and calling each other by pet names!
Lulled by the quiet, Jon and I began having a conversation. BIG MISTAKE! When I finally went into the kitchen to pour myself a cup a luke warm, over-brewed, but lovely strong coffee, I noticed Lexy standing at the counter on her chair, bottle of 3-in-1 Oil in front of her, and gingerly putting it into her hair as if giving herself a shampoo! Oh MY Gawd!!!!
Now, Lexy is child who gets her hair washed about once a month. That's about how often either of us can stand it. Given she really doesn't have that much hair at all, and the stuff she's got only grew in the last month, that seems like a reasonable schedule. But NOW what am I going to do? How am I going to get it out? We are at one good soaping, but as enough time has passed for her hair to dry I realize just how much oil is actually in her hair. I can smell her lemony oil odor from here. Or is that me now that she's rubbed herself all over me? Well, on with the next hour of my day....
Try to keep smiling. It will get better as time goes on. Maybe 5 years from now or maybe 15 years.
hahahahaha thanks Mom!
Oh...my. Didn't they get the memo?
I can see it all and hear it too. Can't quite smell her though. HA!
Don't ever loose sight that you are a great Mom! I can see you articulately instructing the girls on the rights and wrongs of the morning - sometimes it all feels so overwhelming, but mornings like this only make you stronger.....and there is lots yet to come!
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