That new soap, the one that smells so lovely- grapefruit and bergamot. Yeah, well, the pump doesn't work. I've got a lovely bottle of soap that I can't use. Do you think that they would take it back at the store? Would it be worth the trip? Would the manager sigh and let me feel her exasperation at my request? Would the second bottle stop working just the same as the first? It's totally useless. I'll probably just keep using it the way it is, having to pull up on the plunger between each squirt, squishing foam everywhere, not keeping it on my hands. When I begin to scrub under the water I will realize that I don't have enough soap on my hands to get a good cleaning. I mean, I know that it is really the rubbing that gets the germs off, but will my hands be clean enough to continue making supper? Will I get my kids sick because I've been let down by a company that bottles foaming hand wash? Sometimes it's just all too much.