The first five days of our Hawaiian Holiday were spent on The Big Island; three days in Kona on the west side, and two days in Hilo, the east side. Our first hotel was straight out of the seventies- The King Kamehameha Hotel- it was a huge resort that had lost most of it's charm, but none of its odors. Sophie called it the "stinky hotel". But it was right on the beach, had a great swimming pool and scrumptious breakfast buffet. Outside the property was a huge Banyan tree that was gigantic, but turned out to be one of the smallest we'd see. In Hilo, there is an amazing Japanese park with rows of Banyan planted by sports and Hollywood greats of the 1940's (Babe Ruth, Cecil B. DeMille...). We discovered the Hilton Waikoloa Village ($$$$). Words cannot describe it so please check out their website. We had only lunch and a brief swim there. Perhaps some day Jon and I will retreat there... a honeymoon perhaps?!? of the first few days of our trip had an underlying theme: "Find Sophie the Damned Drink From a Coconut We Promised Would Be So Easy to Get in Hawaii". We did find one,
finally, and Sophie honored the occasion with antics only immature parents like us could appreciate...